The woman,whose family wishes to remain anonymous died during her “self biological investigation” which many believe was "egged on" by a writer,in police custody since early this morning, whose real name is still the subject of speculation.For the sake of others who identify themselves as Targeted Individuals his blog and other blogs that also deal with the ' urban myth’ of present day Human Experimentation and Targeted Individuals" are or will soon be removed from the internet so similar situation can not occur.
Officials at The Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital told reporters the woman died ,according RBW administrators from edema like swelling of the brain during her ill conceived,enticed notion to seek a brain cell culture. When administrators at RBW were asked if the deceased had secured any brain tissue to prove or disprove her claims the RBW spokesperson said, that as far as they know no brain tissue or otherwise was attained....and that the women in question's body had been removed from RBW.."perhaps by the family".
According to a emergency room mobile medic ,who wishes to go un-named a team of uniformed men ,who resembled men out of the TV show “The X files “confiscated the biopsy needle in question and the body of the misguided woman herself" before First Respondents arrived at the scene.
-(post removed 12/24/10:04 am-Brisbane Times)
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