on my chest
as jiminy cricket
and next becomes a
"real' cricket
the size of his original Visual imbue
an inch or two high
and I leap of the bed...trying to get 'it " off me
I sense
full haptics are on...
the sense of touch
and feel ...the bug...
first on the top of my head than on my shoulder...
and me, like some idiot ....spinning -round AND ROUND TRYING TO
TOGETHER ..."we" start the morning.i walk
is ...the "New Normal" for The "app-ed"
and ,I must remember that everything they do to me...is for me...to make me better.....to curb my enthusiasmz...if I veer off track,(and begin thinking I am just "in this" this stuff is just "in me" to torture me--
evan reminds me me this is about gaming...
and everynow and than ...one of the" pac men" ...meaning my Mandlers...my Tele-Operators,,will deliberately PLACE me and THUS the Coconscious CONTEXT...in much more difficult terrain like MIND MAZES 'of What Would YOU Do"
in gaming terms.... the MIND MAZES seem designed to have me go "tilt" on the pinball machine"
that is or at least was my mind
every coupla ' months ...a 'app-ed" for science and commerce
switch his input around ..to a different program..."of play"
to see if
"To see," EVAN graphs if DUMBO! is DUMB enough!" to write about things that DO NOT CONCERN HIM!"....and this is why DUMBO was asked to stay away from LOOKING UP
certain things he know damn well not to fuck with...
and that ----of course there is sometimes a bit off 'cross over" concerning certain aspects of this type of Gaming...to other applications and other ventures, investors and investigators
but as Proxy Cyber has no financial interests nor no contracts nor is seeking future bids
Mind Augment Tech that concerns taking care of "situations OVER THERE" but the
situation over here.....
Evan is prattling on ...I might as well be a child at the children table
over hearing "the adults' talk about annuities...and ..and mortgages
although with "apps" in head one cannot help but
"hear" and 'see" all...unless the proper input has been inserted into the Insertive Bio/teck in one's neurons and between them..in Real Time ...a scientific study human organism...cannot process anything that has not been FORMATTED to his or her computation skills
in a way I am glad when EVAN brings down his "hysterics" a notch or to ...to subjects he has taught me to Process and thus peruse....concerning Proxy Cyber's main "Brain Map .Brain Signal transcription Process and subsequent Direct and indirect Neural Interface (based upon gather Neural Transcritps) Focus on synthesized brain algorithms that might be over layed upon certain subjects at it's disposal to
FIX pernicious social diseases not" OVER HERE"
with Merge Techno/Bio
but "right here in our backyards'
and that sometimes certain techniques concerning "psycho tronics" are in fact used on
the vermin ,reprobate types whose emotional and psychosocial problem according to re-evaluated Neural data
are being found to bit a bit more organic in nature than first presumed
and that memebers of my team who are technitians are given the Green light to tinker around with certain aspects of remote psycho surgery
blasting a few brain cells here and there by remote electronic means ...to not
hurt you idiot,,,but Help instigate your convoluted ,often Mutinous synaptic activity towards the new neural pathways the A.I. and VR renditions were meant to help create...
and don't you ever forget DUMBO DUMBASS! that everytime you smoked crack when we insisted
it be used "medicinally" and also so your teeth might fall out
so we didn't have to deal with you eating hard food
.as early on ...you were told time and time again Chewing Loudly fucks up a Direct neural interface
and that
no Mandlers gives a flying fuck if a proxy has food stuck between their molars!..or wants to HEAR about a proxy;s tongue flitting back and forth trying to remove
a small fiber of potroast from between their teeth...
everytime dumbo went one toke over the line
smoking crack
DUMBO himself was essentially performing his own brand of psycho surgery
wasn't he?
and what did we get out of it....? huh...except to have to go back and back and back to square one with you
and still no teeth came out
so now we 're considering the time and expense and risk of having to send someone east to have to
punch you in the mouth...to help you understand
why we insist on you only eating soft food...
evan goes on to explain that there once one this really really mean mean mean hateful man named Phineas gage
he was so mean that if anyone even went near him more than one or two feet
they would start crying or slapping themselves in the face
because Phieas Gage's emminations ...his thoughts
were SO ,so mean and hateful that they seeped out of his skull
as all men and women whether they know it or not
release small amounts of their brainsignals
kinda like sparks.
well one day
Phineas got a railroad spike slammed into his skull...
call it divine intervention
and from that day on Phineas was the nicest man in town
his beautiful subdued brain signals became harmonious...
people actually followed Phineas around town ...within two or three feet of his eminations
to partake in his
psychic run off....
although it is not written about 3 dozen or so towns people in Phineas gage's community
asked either drs....or metal workers to 'please please please"
place a railroad spike in my skull so I can be like Phieas gage
Phineas gage wouldn't write about certain aspects of the Mind Augment industry
had gone out of it's way
to help Phineas Gage...create new neural pathways
in a nutshell and YOU Dumbo IZ nothing BUT a NUTSHELL!
if thy wants to write about Iraq
and neuroweapontry
we shall give dumbo a type of Iraq Neuro Inceptionary
and even MORE than that
if DUMBO DARES to write much more about REFERENTIALISM based on TV and neural prosthetics working together
our working relationship will
disintegrate to such an extent that a new type of dis INTEGRATION
will be performed upon Das lawn Mower man
even das smart ass can't begin to fathom
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