Saturday, June 27, 2015
a dangerous woman (NY Times reporter Sarah Kershaw)
For many Miss Kershaw's piece* is a rational place to begin getting at least some type of legitimized "take" on "what exactly a Targeted Individual "is ,one assumes Miss Kershaw who works as reporter for the New York Times might give a reader a sense of the terror one feels being "used" and being" hurt "in this peculiar and often terrifying manner . Reading her article is not an easy thing to do if one is a Targeted Individual as one early on cannot help but take note that the reporter has concluded in advance that she is addressing a "growing mental health crisis" concerning "claims" that people who "consider themselves" targets have conjured up or misconstrued as genuine, in their "mental confusion". Sarah Kershaw deserves an award for lackadaisical non- investigative reporting . I am reminded of books I turned to for information about homosexuality in my late teens "for answers" and only coming across devastating psychological diagnosticians who were experts on the subject. I remember vividly feeling disturbed by information that I sought and found in the late 1980's still seen as truth. I bring this topic up to convey about "where we are as targeted Individuals being written about by lazy reporters such as Miss Kershaw for just as homosexuals were regarded as "ill" by specialists and many authors "in the field" the consensus that TIs suffering at the hands of their government as test subjects (or Direct Energy Torture Recipients ) are crazy, never mind neurotronic weaponry, OF COURSE has been designed ONLY to DRIVE the ever present ever provoked enemy MAD-in a "Hand's Off " manner . One day soon let Kershaw and other reporters who refused to look at empirical data will be removed from the libraries much in the same way the books about The Illness of Homosexuality were since they contained misinformation ,subjective information and absolutely misguided information much like Sarah Kershaw's article about Targeted Individuals. Ms. Kershaw shows no indication that she did any investigative work concerning a subject that by it's very nature (covert, advanced technologies ,illegal human testing) indeed should have made one assume that one examines with a set of new eyes. Also a good reporter might need to understand that there are high stakes in keeping secret human testing -secret. Also if Sarah Kershaw was not so busy in attempting to put "OUR" collective "deluded" minds to rest ..that it will all be better in the morning if we realized "-Hey silly it's just your imagination."
She may have done some leg work to try to understand that the primary use of Psychotronic Weapons is to mimic or provoke mental decompensating. Many manuals are available that, in fine print, explain the ins and outs of conducting a successful deployment of the very purposed pain and emotional suffering done to cause psychological and physical problems to those targeted as Human Guinea Pigs.If the thought of advanced techniques created solely to destroy another's mental capacity seems "too far out " to Miss Kershaw than perhaps if she had educated herself in the many 'too far out" things the United States has done to it's own people concerning Human Testing to undo one's mind (MK ULTRA) and one's body ( the Tuskegee Experiments ,chemical testing in large cities in the 1960's and 70's) Miss Kershaw herself might have been brought out of her own delusion that not only is all this possible but happening in numbers that are in fact "too far out" to conceive of.
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