Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Gingerbread raisin

I do stuff my "team" wants.
The team practicing what they themselves call ( they who has labeled neuro weapns testing and use )
online and in the books those who research and develop Psychophysics research
Trust me nothing online about these weapons is not there by chance regarding
it's methodology
Don't bother looking it up
99 % of the sites devoted to it
are purposely crafted to read as pseudo science at the best
conspiracy theory at the least
Entire books are written on th subject supposedly by ex agency me.
To provide the targeted individual with just enough relevant information
To assure the TI understands the damage is technological and not a thought disorder
Why is this important for the TI -and only the TI -to understand
possibly to make the TI fully aware the Electronic Harrassment is deliberate and intentional
So the TI can and does process the deliberateness internally
to decompe sate .(someone despise me THIS much) more fully.
I believe a faux Legal Caes was quite elaborately -leaked- to emphasize the reality of this far put weapons
..it makes n sense ..the case ..but gee has it been written to sound that way
To whom ?
Anyone in the first two years hoping for anything to
Keep them hoping
someone ..anyone ..might help them

I like many TIs both real and fake have been writing for 5 or more years
All the while physically and mentally being destroyed by "magic " weapons nobody knows about except
Those using the weapons ..
I am back -on something- simply to get through this week
I admit this
because it demonstrates how little I now care about my documentation being believed
This scares me
because it means I understand now entirely
explanations ..stories..metaphor ..medical text footnotes
Mean nothing
mean as much as a post about gluten or Brad Pitt or "Hamilton" or gingerbread raisin recesses

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