The fact that most believe that these remnants of signal exchange
are somehow “the essence” of their “Them-ness”” is only because this leftover
energy ,these exhaust fumes created by “the industry” of pre and post neural firing is replete of
sensibility...and thus may be conceived as "heavenly and divine".
Gary Rainy wrote that the vapid nature of used up signaling was deemed “good”(and Soul) by most people only because of the
"spent" and therefore "comforting"properties of the used up nothingness of undirected brain signal energy..
…”it is most peculiar that most people FEEL they are GOOD based upon the
very least important aspect of THOUGHT and THEREFORE the very least aspect of “Being-hood”
Gary Rainy believed that only Emmitance or what he called psychic projection of Neural Active “beinghood”
into the atmosphere matter to the Electromagnetic Fields which "collect "out of body Consciousness which is why Neuronautics focuses on True Nature of brain signal systems and not False Sentiments of an indoctrinated notion of "Goodness".I can attests that ancient man hunting for prey for food and the skins of these animals to survive had very, very different notions of "Being Good"...The so called "Motherment" has domesticated our basic instincts to that of lap dogs..is it any wonder we spend so much time having to think WHO we really are.Neuronautics will give you back your Primal Mind and your basic instincts and only the physics based electrical charge of "THIS is WHO I REALLY AM will be quantifiable enough to be
collected and stored by the Physics of magnetism in the Realms of protons and neutrons that IS for a lack of a better word G-d.
This magnetic spectrum can care less if one’s Emittance is based upon the archaic “false sentiments” of Good
or Evil used ONLY to keep "us" in line.
"The so called Heavens only care about Intensity
and a propensity to “think in a manner that invites what I call an Equivocal Electronic
Charge that can only BE recognized if this charge is PURE."Being Good "means nothing to the Laws of Dynamic Dialog with the invisible physics of an out of body
Consciousness Continuity that may in fact "live' forever
Gary Rainy discussed the foolishness of man in believing in
the folklore of spiritual omnipresence not based upon the Science and Ideology of what he scoffed of as 1st year
undergraduate Physics student knows about Energy..
…Gary Rainy claimed his “inner Vision” of a
Communion with what he called Entities and Emanation was not impeded by" Our"Worldview’s depiction of Out of Body
engagement being conceived of as an Old Man shaped like a Cloud with a White Beard but a genuine telepathic give and take with True
Entities of
so called “souls” who purposely thought in a specific frequency by using Specific Sequential Brain Signaling Techniques..
so called “souls” who purposely thought in a specific frequency by using Specific Sequential Brain Signaling Techniques..
In Gary’s early lectures on Neuronautics he often began by proposing future followers to ponder with him a new notion of envisioning the invisible Entities and lingering Identities
that were all around us and often whether we wanted it or not inside us- by stating that the invisible world
is actually more important than the so called Physical Realm we see ,hear and
taste..for some of these malevolent Entities not nothing more than to cling to a mind not lessoned in Neuronautic Thinking
“Perhaps you have a difficult time perceiving the importance of recognizing "the invisible forces" that surround us...You do not see oxygen which is "unsee-able",” Gary Rainy would often say ,”but I guarantee if it was not here ,in this
lecture hall I can guarantee you would notice it than...”
Emanations according to Gary Rainy were basically “auras”
that all men and women and even plants transmitted via their brain signals into
the atmosphere or what later Gary called the Enway or Neural Highway.Gary stated that these
invisible emanation are often “sensed” by humans and asked his audience to remember a time when they FELT someone looking
at them from behind but did not in fact SEE the eyes of the person doing so.
”Emit-tance IS “the eyes in back .Of .Your Head”Gary claimed stating that ,”Some people are better at sensing Emit-tance than others.”adding ,”that in fact some people are so good at this type of “SEEING” or “ENSING” that they make a living at it-as psychics or clairvoyants.
”Emit-tance IS “the eyes in back .Of .Your Head”Gary claimed stating that ,”Some people are better at sensing Emit-tance than others.”adding ,”that in fact some people are so good at this type of “SEEING” or “ENSING” that they make a living at it-as psychics or clairvoyants.
“This invisible “steam” that comes from the “fumes” of those
cogs in your heads endlessly churning and spinning ….does not have to BE exhaust." Gary would conclude ,"
or the useful ,blissful Emptiness that fools through the years have taught us is “our
Of course we would like to believe that the remnants of the toil of thought is ourselves.But it is only our exhausted SELFNESS.
Of course we would like to believe that these exhaust fumes of Intetional Thought IS our HEART and TRUE NATURE but all this disenfranchised non lucid “Feeling” IS –is in fact spent brain signals that of course FEEL separate from our Cognitive Intentions of Directed Energies of our internal neuron to neuron self guidance systems
.A “Soul”is a lie of the mind we coddle to as if it has reverence but I am here to tell you and teach you that only with Neuronautics can one assure their Emanations ,good or bad will FOREVER "Co-Mingle" and Merge with- FOREVER-
Of course we would like to believe that these exhaust fumes of Intetional Thought IS our HEART and TRUE NATURE but all this disenfranchised non lucid “Feeling” IS –is in fact spent brain signals that of course FEEL separate from our Cognitive Intentions of Directed Energies of our internal neuron to neuron self guidance systems
.A “Soul”is a lie of the mind we coddle to as if it has reverence but I am here to tell you and teach you that only with Neuronautics can one assure their Emanations ,good or bad will FOREVER "Co-Mingle" and Merge with- FOREVER-
1962-GR -Pasadena .
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