Wednesday, September 3, 2014

2004 "walk right in"

Gary Rainy asked for weekly reports from his "settle -in", a pretty petite
second generation Neuronaut
named Debbie
who had been trained early on to do any necessary legwork
pertinent to "the cause " of Neuronautics
Debbie never complained nor questioned "why"
Gary 'needed" to get his hands upon insertive neurotechnology to bring mentored Guidance"out of the Annexes "and literally into the bloodstreams
of "the tribe'

Debbie ,now integrated into Dixie Shaker's life,job and apartment complex
gave Gary Rainy weekly "progress reports' regarding both the "movements and motives" of Dixie's daily life
and moreso the
information only an insider like Dixie could "give back" to the organization"
concerning biotech

After all Gary had said on more than one occasion ,"the idea of Mind to Mind Communication
and quoted his 1972's book "Meditations on a Walk In*

(A walk-in is a new age concept of a person whose original soul has departed his or her body and has been replaced with a new soul, either temporarily or permanently.
A "walk-in" is where the original soul of a human leaves a person's body and another soul "walks in". Souls "walk-in" usually during an accident or trauma, where the person either regains consciousness as a "walk- in" and forgets some things depending on the severity of the experience, or if they didn't lose consciousness the human will experience death and rebirth in one lifetime. One might need to relearn walking, drawing, writing, and upon doing so the new soul develops and integrates through the trauma. It is said that the original soul leaves when it has fulfilled what it came here to do, and the same body is used again for another soul to fulfill their purpose on earth.
 the belief of extraterrestrial walk-ins;  is very similar to the concept of being possessed by spirits. A walk-in can be defined as "an entity who occupies a body that has been vacated by its original soul")

to emphasize "the fact"
that it was HE that was "given" the "keys" to understanding and thus implementing
to "How One Must Engage in "speaking withouit speaking"
with either genuine or synthesized apparatus that enabled
person to person or persona to "program"Inter-Mergence
Gary claimed it was The Entities he had
corresponded with
that helped his "Self Help Safe Haven"
learn to use
and create "most recognized forms of Mind Gleaning Technologies
that bypassed "the lies of verbal communication"
Gary claims "he foresaw Brain Computer Interface"
"way back when he created the See Meter that detected even the smallest trace of With-held "True Being-ness"
and considered his enlist of Neuronauts to gain access to "his" Intellectual Property"
(be it insertive nano tubes or wearable headsets studded with bio sensors that
permitted a Brain Signal Transmit and Transcription  )
simply "taking back what what THEY have stolen"

Debbie never questioned her Neuronautic "mission"
but had to
"with-hold" an "Apparent"when Gary asked her ,"if she could "just slip some nano particles into her handbag".

Debbie explained that the bio sensors ,"the nano" was kept away  from the actual Physical Plant
of the laboratory
and that only Dixie Shaker and some other "Ruiners"had special passes that allowed them
near the "chips"
that allowed for a non transparent
Mind to Mind "mentorship"

Week by week Gary Rainy learned about as much as Debbie did about
psycho and neuro -tronic nano scaled interface that allowed for
brain signal acquisition and translation and finally
 correspondent  "Brain Signal and Temporal  Modifications
 through interface

Week by week
she dosed Dixie's wineglass "just enough" to
subdue her
Security "Adherence"
and week by week
lessoned Gary in the industry and intricacies of nanotechnology
careful not to "high hat" her superior with
"I'm not asking for a fucking science lesson"
Debbie tried her best to "explain in a way that did not seem like explanation-
that nano particles
and nano tech
was being manufactured to serve all manner of commerce and application
from cleansing oil spills in oceans
to medically cleansing a damaged lung or liver
and that these particles the size of molecules in some cases
could be shaped and modified with over 250 components
and still be hundreds of times smaller than the head of a pin

Gary huffed and sighed on the other end of the line, indicating that all he cared about
were the "g-d damned chips that
enabled a "discrete" Brain Computer Interface"

Debbie quickly changed her "format" of
assuring Gary that Dixie Shaker had specifically mentioned "on tape " and "on " the various recording accoutrements
Debbie had placed in and around Dixie's apartment ,"that the bio sensors she was working on were specially rendered to enter another's blood stream and brain
without the
carrier being necessarily aware of the intrusion
and that according to Dixie these bio chips could transmit an occipital signal
that could allow a Tele -Operator to literally SEE out of another's eyes.
Debbie explained that the nanotubes had tofirst be remotely guided to very specific areas of another's brain to best wedge themselves in the spaces between "key" neural pathways that best captured
"the specific signals' that could both transmit and be transmitted upon
one's 5 senses
Debbie explained that Dixie had 'shared" that the nano particles for each sense
taste touch ,hearing
were "scored" differently
and that a variety of nano tubes would have to be
removed from the premises....

"and returned to their rightful owner ,"Gary added

*Meditations On A Walk -In Introduction-"I felt a wonderful sense of belonging .I felt an immediate sense of belonging immediate kinship with The Entity who I must admit at first I was frightened of...But the Entity seemed to know of my thoughts   my fears...and instantly The Entity first dominated than quelled EVERY FEAR I ever had...not just of this strange presence that did not so much "take me over " as "Take Me On"...The Entity handed me a small wooden box that IT insisted I open ....the box contained shiny webs of light and glimmer that the Entity directed I place upon my head a halo...but this ring of Knowing and Illumination did not sit for long upon my head but somehow lit it's way INTO my head....and these "magical raindrops of light and lightness receded into not just my mind but my entire being   which was now and from then on in a Communion with The Emanations  

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