if it helps you
feel free..to think of the "hysteria" presented to you
about my hardship
as madness
but please attempt to participate in my delusions in an Immersive style
pertaining to
Psychotronics,,A.I and Virtual Reality
being primarily developed by the only people who should have been allowed to develop it
people who develop weapons
and are developing techniques of induci9ng madness upon another via what is sometimes called a Brain Computer Interface
before you continue reading
remember that Kevin McCarthy ,deemed insane in the first reel of Invasion of the Body Snatchers
was in the end
about the unbelievable forces at play in and around him
not by the hospitals ,police force etc/
but by the audience
who in this case
is you
to further my "Aim is True"
that I not writing a "story" for financial gain
let it be noted
I have intentionally written directly online
according to Blogger
whatever I post becomes public domain as soon as it is electronically published
( I have learned in retrospect that TIMESTAMP in fact may be considered copy write..
but scenario "not so much",,,)
I have also not sought copy write
because this semi-fictional account of mind transcription and mind "to mind "interface via 5 senses over-ride/overlay all but . does away with copy write and "intellectual property".
and I thought ..I would make an example of this notion through demonstration
also half of these "stories" are in fact fed to me
from some "muse"
previously I cared not a whit about A.I. ,Virtual Reality bio sensors
nor do you
I realize
by the number if "hits or "likes:" I get on any given day
trust me ..
if "it happened to you" very little else would be on your mind
realizing this...I began adding ...other stories to "the rantings"
more in step with more visceral sensibilities....
The human mind which "runs on signals and the owner of that mind running on signal nonstop even during sleep is like an unprotected computer and because the mind has "no firewall" if one has been "bugged"with bio sensors capable of both receiving input and out put to first decipher and than assuage neural pathway Private Thought will (become as obsolete as a horse and buggy and a VCR .. This technology is already here and very much off the grid (Human Experimentation ,always some thing of a no-no* concerning human rights and liberty has been outsourced to the most peculiar organizations...Human atrocities and "war crimes "make for strange bedfellows. Word on high suggests that the nanotubes just feel into Neuronautic"s lap ..or the bio sensors were stolen as if the nanotubes were staplers and office supplies snatched by a secretary oat ProxyCyber Laboratory....talk "artificial intelligence" My Mentors will impart anything to keep me confounded
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