The Words"the words"Drew felt oddly out of
place wearing his Goggle Glass in the wrong part of town.."
the first thing i see
seemingly written
-on my boyfriends back
next the words
"Mary Phelps Jacob invented the backless and strapless bra in 1913 in New York. Her “backless brassiere” was patented in 1914.The Invention instantly changes The Style
of The Times
That make me see
Words,pictograms,logos and so much more than you
Oh dear reader not think I am bragging
my Mentors use this technology that forces me to see and hear things
things smell things
feel things both tactility and
OOOOOOH so much more
..the millions of nano biosensors that will remain ,till the day I die ,lodged in the 'spaces in between"
a glorified lab rat
Taken by the powers that seize
slipped "a mickey "
poisoned...or as they say
by un-seeable unspeakable
....they don't use chips no more...don't go thinking bout' some movie you saw ...accidental on Showtime when you couldn't quite sleep...
chips ...microchips ARE the STUFF of conspiracy theory AND bad str8 to movies
nano particles are quite a different bug
a bug
or bugs
or swarms of millions and millions of biosensors no larger than a white blood cell...
oh..they have made these advances for wonderful reasons
Advances in nanotechnology's fight against cancer -- ScienceDaily
by Sound and Vision
The powers that SEIZE
in such a way
That have been given way to much license to do such things
after that nasty incident
the trains on
the london bridge
(for my own sake ...I leave comparitory allusions to you brotha')
cybernetic "enhancement"
etc... et al
My eye! ears my everything
cybernetic enhancement
The words
"Drew felt strangely out of place"
I initially ...thought were tattooed on my lover's back
and EVAN ,my teacher
considers this perception Malingering..
stating that I am quite used to it by now..
Evan can care
Less about
My difficulties getting used" to the New Way
And has no mercy
For my
Slow uptake of the uploads
Occipital and otherwise...
As a reality test
I rub Ryan's now
phrase and pictogram free spine
And in spite
Of the intrusion
Of thought
Find myself
Evan demands I take a cold shower
As Food Company
new to Brain Map techno is studying the uses for Brain Computer Interface for Marketing
(much in the same ways Parasol Pictures studies my Expotentials and Pre Synaptic Firings for Paradigm)
The Food Company
wants to study
My olfactory and gustatory
regarding a new Oat based Cereal aimed
A Boo Berry
Knock off id you ask me
The Powers That SELL
are re promoting the brand
as next month
parasol pictures is releasing new anime/live action mash up
On the registered White Rabbit on the front of the box trademark
Shut up Dumbo.get outta bed
clean yourself up
No sexual thoughts
Or this fuckin intellectualizing
Of your plebeian Luddite take on
Human machine coupled brain map...
I Go to the white room.that Evan made me "simplify " so we could really "talk" with out
my being distracted by patterns ,colors,furniture etc...
I do some brief stretching exercises
to hewn me CLEAR
and Open Minded
to The NewWay
inadvertently THIS LETS Evan KNOW
I am as ready as I ever am
For my
Interface /mind rape/ mind fuck
or a sick ,scary visual overide..
but EVAN let's my moodiness slide..
The words
"Drew felt oddly out of place wearing his google glasses
In the wrong part of town .Drew thinks for a moment wouldn't it be great if i could see and hear THIS WAY and it didn't SHOW?"
place wearing his Goggle Glass in the wrong part of town.."
the first thing i see
seemingly written
-on my boyfriends back
next the words
"Mary Phelps Jacob invented the backless and strapless bra in 1913 in New York. Her “backless brassiere” was patented in 1914.The Invention instantly changes The Style
of The Times
along with a an illustration of a woman wearing garment ,that according to my Mentor ,"instantly changed The Style of The Times"
That make me see
Words,pictograms,logos and so much more than you
Oh dear reader not think I am bragging
my Mentors use this technology that forces me to see and hear things
things smell things
feel things both tactility and
OOOOOOH so much more
..the millions of nano biosensors that will remain ,till the day I die ,lodged in the 'spaces in between"
a glorified lab rat
Taken by the powers that seize
slipped "a mickey "
poisoned...or as they say
by un-seeable unspeakable
....they don't use chips no more...don't go thinking bout' some movie you saw ...accidental on Showtime when you couldn't quite sleep...
chips ...microchips ARE the STUFF of conspiracy theory AND bad str8 to movies
nano particles are quite a different bug
a bug
or bugs
oh..they have made these advances for wonderful reasons
Advances in nanotechnology's fight against cancer -- ScienceDaily
Dec 19, 2013 - Among the most promising advances in the fight against cancer has been the rise of nanomedicine, the application of tiny materials and .
and the bio sensors specially made to transmit brain waves for encoding are being called The Next Great Fight against Autism .Dementia,coma.
etc etc..
if your son nephew wife etc was unconscious .
you might also not be skeeved by Mind Impart Equipment to Shout ,"Tommy Can Ya Hear Me...?'
and how wonderful that a bio studded headset might
let you hear ...Yes Mom...I'm alright...
just needed a really
realty deep sleep.
in fact medical applications ..not to mention applications for these mew "apps' as ways of seeing if THAT ODD GUY getting on that plave with you has ..
something beside a banana in his pocket
and maybe he's not that happy to see you
so ya see,
there is JUST CAUSE for the Research and Development..
so long as it's not YOU or in my case (the case I have written about this way that way and everywhich way but loose)
I the one WHO IS the research
detained ,restrained and tr-trained
The powers that SEIZE
in such a way
That have been given way to much license to do such things
after that nasty incident
the trains on
the london bridge
(for my own sake ...I leave comparitory allusions to you brotha')
cybernetic "enhancement"
etc... et al
My eye! ears my everything
cybernetic enhancement
The words
"Drew felt strangely out of place"
I initially ...thought were tattooed on my lover's back
and EVAN ,my teacher
considers this perception Malingering..
stating that I am quite used to it by now..
Evan can care
Less about
My difficulties getting used" to the New Way
And has no mercy
For my
Slow uptake of the uploads
Occipital and otherwise...
As a reality test
I rub Ryan's now
phrase and pictogram free spine
And in spite
Of the intrusion
Of thought
Find myself
Evan demands I take a cold shower
As Food Company
new to Brain Map techno is studying the uses for Brain Computer Interface for Marketing
(much in the same ways Parasol Pictures studies my Expotentials and Pre Synaptic Firings for Paradigm)
The Food Company
wants to study
My olfactory and gustatory
regarding a new Oat based Cereal aimed
A Boo Berry
Knock off id you ask me
The Powers That SELL
are re promoting the brand
as next month
parasol pictures is releasing new anime/live action mash up
On the registered White Rabbit on the front of the box trademark
Shut up Dumbo.get outta bed
clean yourself up
No sexual thoughts
Or this fuckin intellectualizing
Of your plebeian Luddite take on
Human machine coupled brain map...
I Go to the white room.that Evan made me "simplify " so we could really "talk" with out
my being distracted by patterns ,colors,furniture etc...
I do some brief stretching exercises
to hewn me CLEAR
and Open Minded
to The NewWay
inadvertently THIS LETS Evan KNOW
I am as ready as I ever am
For my
Interface /mind rape/ mind fuck
or a sick ,scary visual overide..
but EVAN let's my moodiness slide..
The words
"Drew felt oddly out of place wearing his google glasses
In the wrong part of town .Drew thinks for a moment wouldn't it be great if i could see and hear THIS WAY and it didn't SHOW?"
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