and the country went back to what it wanted to be
decades ago...the politics went back to what they seemed to be years ago...once it becomes The New Way to make lists the differentiate..lists that decide WHO is GOOD.
and machinery that's sole purpose is to detect
a flinch of a blink and so forth..
measure of a skull,measure of the nose,the distance between the eyes of what a large part of The Eugenics movement in America was based on...to find out who
was what
who might
the nation
by producing off spring
and who
should for the sake of the nation
these notions never quite disappeared
............................................................but little did anyone suspect that there was a New Way of Measuring one's worth
purpose and
possible plans..
a small headset that read and decoded brainwaves....
to find out exactly how deviant
on the list might
Ownership of Cell Phones: 2000-2005
The cell phone has become a ubiquitous
communications device over the last half-decade.
In the 2000 survey, only 28.3 percent of
respondents reported that they owned their own
cell phone. (An additional 11.1 percent reported
that they shared a cell phone with another
household member.) By the year 2002, fully
one-half of respondents reported owning their
own cell phone. According to the most recent
survey (2005), the level of ownership has soared
to 68.7 percent of adult Americans.
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