do not particularly like me..
explaining The Process..
the techniques
or the "technicians"
the other side of the interface
they do not like me thinking of myself as a human Guinea Pig.
(they prefer the term Urban Astronaut)
or comparing their "work" to
the "work" done on mental patients and the indigent
in the 1950's and 1960's concerning Mind Augmentation
is simple
is the jist
think in a clean
clear and conscientious manner at all times
and never call it Mind Control
it's about teaching YOU how to control
your own mind
using the principals of Gary Rainy and the TruGenic Movement
as scary as it sounds ...TruGenics..
sounds a fuck of alot better
than The Transhuman Movement
all the rage in southern California
the next Gold Rush
all about behavioral alterations
in my "case"
(and that is what I am to THEM
a case)
drug "abuse"issues
"it's about a cure...'
it's about systemics
and sometimes ..
it's about scaring me to sobriety
if you ask me..
any fucking thing they make up on any given day...
and do not let the "lightness" as of this entry fool you
these Mentors
are gonna kill me
in Real Time
I've become a "problem"
more expendable than dependable
I never planned to live that long anyway
and i sure as shit did not count on
being a Cybernetic
to some god damn "group" that seems to
be able to do any thing they want in the state of Cal-i FORM ya
EVAN sends a zing
across my auditory nerve
and insinuates
if it were not for them
not for Neuronautics
that I would be in a correction facility right now
They do try
thing is THEY seem
to be trying out every possible use for A.I and brain Computer Interface
as if
BCI and immersive Reality
being diversified and modified by George Washington Carver
of course They Are making it up as "we" move along is the jist when I simply do not want "to play"
i am a passenger in my own skin
an living flesh avatar for these "Futurions"and "New Pharoes"of the west
forgive me
if my sense of humor has been replaced
lately by
EVAN explains that sobriety
brings up misplaced emotions
and i "graph" back
Direct Neural Interface
brings up "misplaced emotions...
"but you love it sometimes
but you love it sometimes..."Evan zings
I had boyfriends
I used to go out with
or at least fuck around and stay in with
who were
.liked to push me around ..push my buttons
who knows why
that's the type I went for
"and still do," EVAN graphs...
their job it sometimes seems
to keep me so off kilter
always guessing
who set me up for this,who found me in human enough
to "play"Psychotronic badmitten with these Frat BoY sadists
I am not the Group type
yeah I attended some sessions..took some Neuronautic courses way back
back when an "audit"
a "confessional"
was face to face
not mind to mind
the guy who manned the storefront that promised a virtual volcano of instant karma and cosmic evolution with out dope
and yes
rather than serve a sentence in CA..for
I agreed to
something I didn't understand.........
it ruins The Enlightenment
the Wonder of A.I. and Immersive Reality
and the wonder of Neuronautics
"it is what it is.."is all i get
"tiny violins " appear in my sight.
you wouldn't be able to see them
the sight thing
works by by-passing the visual cortex
i can't help but smile at the violins
the tiniest violins in the world
overlapping my occipital lobe
that no one can see
but me
do not particularly like me..
explaining The Process..
the techniques
or the "technicians"
the other side of the interface
they do not like me thinking of myself as a human Guinea Pig.
(they prefer the term Urban Astronaut)
or comparing their "work" to
the "work" done on mental patients and the indigent
in the 1950's and 1960's concerning Mind Augmentation
is simple
is the jist
think in a clean
clear and conscientious manner at all times
and never call it Mind Control
it's about teaching YOU how to control
your own mind
using the principals of Gary Rainy and the TruGenic Movement
as scary as it sounds ...TruGenics..
sounds a fuck of alot better
than The Transhuman Movement
all the rage in southern California
the next Gold Rush
all about behavioral alterations
in my "case"
(and that is what I am to THEM
a case)
drug "abuse"issues
"it's about a cure...'
it's about systemics
and sometimes ..
it's about scaring me to sobriety
if you ask me..
any fucking thing they make up on any given day...
and do not let the "lightness" as of this entry fool you
these Mentors
are gonna kill me
in Real Time
I've become a "problem"
more expendable than dependable
I never planned to live that long anyway
and i sure as shit did not count on
being a Cybernetic
to some god damn "group" that seems to
be able to do any thing they want in the state of Cal-i FORM ya
EVAN sends a zing
across my auditory nerve
and insinuates
if it were not for them
not for Neuronautics
that I would be in a correction facility right now
it would have been preferable
i often think
I am not fair to THEMperhaps
They do try
thing is THEY seem
to be trying out every possible use for A.I and brain Computer Interface
as if
BCI and immersive Reality
being diversified and modified by George Washington Carver
of course They Are making it up as "we" move along is the jist when I simply do not want "to play"
i am a passenger in my own skin
an living flesh avatar for these "Futurions"and "New Pharoes"of the west
forgive me
if my sense of humor has been replaced
lately by
EVAN explains that sobriety
brings up misplaced emotions
and i "graph" back
Direct Neural Interface
brings up "misplaced emotions...
"but you love it sometimes
but you love it sometimes..."Evan zings
I had boyfriends
I used to go out with
or at least fuck around and stay in with
who were
.liked to push me around ..push my buttons
who knows why
that's the type I went for
"and still do," EVAN graphs...
their job it sometimes seems
to keep me so off kilter
always guessing
who set me up for this,who found me in human enough
to "play"Psychotronic badmitten with these Frat BoY sadists
I am not the Group type
yeah I attended some sessions..took some Neuronautic courses way back
back when an "audit"
a "confessional"
was face to face
not mind to mind
the guy who manned the storefront that promised a virtual volcano of instant karma and cosmic evolution with out dope
and yeah
i began writing about a specific group,self help group
in perhaps an "unstately" manner
and yes
rather than serve a sentence in CA..for
I agreed to
something I didn't understand.........
"you're doing it again "..,Evan graphs
he .they
despise pondering
or intellectualizing
it ruins The Enlightenment
the Wonder of A.I. and Immersive Reality
and the wonder of Neuronautics
the system demands a respect
i cannot often give it..
"it is what it is.."is all i get
dig it
or start digging your own grave
is the emmitance
that goes through me
pure thought
without a need for words
It's The New Way
and for me
there is no way out
of it
I owe them
is "the company line'
if nothing else

you wouldn't be able to see them
the sight thing
works by by-passing the visual cortex
i can't help but smile at the violins
the tiniest violins in the world
overlapping my occipital lobe
that no one can see
but me
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