Lamarckism (or Lamarckian inheritance) is the idea that an organism can pass on characteristics that it acquired during its lifetime to its offspring (also known as heritability of acquired characteristics or soft inheritance). It is named after the French biologist Jean-Baptiste Lamarck (1744–1829), who incorporated the action of soft inheritance into his evolutionary theories as a supplement to his concept of an inherent progressive tendency driving organisms continuously towards greater complexity, in parallel but separate lineages with no extinction. Lamarck did not originate the idea of soft inheritance, which proposes that individual efforts during the lifetime of the organisms were the main mechanism driving species to adaptation, as they supposedly would acquire adaptive changes and pass them on to offspring.
The long neck of the giraffe is often used as an example in explanations of Lamarckism.
Mendelian inheritance was initially derived from the work of Gregor Johann Mendel published in 1865 and 1866 which was re-discovered in 1900. It was initially very controversial. When Mendel's theories were integrated with the Chromosome Theory of Inheritance by Thomas Hunt Morgan in 1915, they became the core of classical genetics
TruGenics a word coined initially by Gary Rainy,in 1962.Rainy,founder of the Science-ideologically based Neuronautics Movement is one of the few established practicing Trans humanistic Organizations that believes in both theories of human enhancement ,human Evolution and man's search for his true self.Rainy who has been called a Eugenicist by some states that while he admits a belief that "some people are in fact "weller and "gooder"spiritually than others and that these people he calls "bettors"must be separated from those Lessor on the Scale of Decency (which can be measured by technology that he has supposedly developed with an advanced and enclosed privatized firm specializing in human to Computer or Brain Computer Interface.."The tales that I acquired the knowledge how to use and determine Humanistic value from a "higher entity" can be taken as metaphor or the Truth..I care only about doing "what I was placed here to accomplish"..Gary Rainy believes in "New Tribes" and sees Direct neural Interface and The Singularity as "just one more thing the wrong people will inevitably use the wrong way".."The Dots(or what he sometimes alludes to as nanoparticles or bio sensors supposedly not only reads one's mind but trained Mentors who are the only one's authorized to use the Interface Equipment can also determine who among us is "a bad seed"..or as he calls such individuals "Ruiners" he also believes that complex changes in man once thought to take generations can be provoked and stimulated by one's "Bettors" and Mentors using Impart Technology (artificial intelligence)to "enlighten" parts of the mind once thought dormant ..the "part of the mind .we supposedly don't the only part of the mind that matters*.
Mendelian inheritance was initially derived from the work of Gregor Johann Mendel published in 1865 and 1866 which was re-discovered in 1900. It was initially very controversial. When Mendel's theories were integrated with the Chromosome Theory of Inheritance by Thomas Hunt Morgan in 1915, they became the core of classical genetics
TruGenics a word coined initially by Gary Rainy,in 1962.Rainy,founder of the Science-ideologically based Neuronautics Movement is one of the few established practicing Trans humanistic Organizations that believes in both theories of human enhancement ,human Evolution and man's search for his true self.Rainy who has been called a Eugenicist by some states that while he admits a belief that "some people are in fact "weller and "gooder"spiritually than others and that these people he calls "bettors"must be separated from those Lessor on the Scale of Decency (which can be measured by technology that he has supposedly developed with an advanced and enclosed privatized firm specializing in human to Computer or Brain Computer Interface.."The tales that I acquired the knowledge how to use and determine Humanistic value from a "higher entity" can be taken as metaphor or the Truth..I care only about doing "what I was placed here to accomplish"..Gary Rainy believes in "New Tribes" and sees Direct neural Interface and The Singularity as "just one more thing the wrong people will inevitably use the wrong way".."The Dots(or what he sometimes alludes to as nanoparticles or bio sensors supposedly not only reads one's mind but trained Mentors who are the only one's authorized to use the Interface Equipment can also determine who among us is "a bad seed"..or as he calls such individuals "Ruiners" he also believes that complex changes in man once thought to take generations can be provoked and stimulated by one's "Bettors" and Mentors using Impart Technology (artificial intelligence)to "enlighten" parts of the mind once thought dormant ..the "part of the mind .we supposedly don't the only part of the mind that matters*.
Augmented Cognition to Enhance Human Sensory Awareness, Cognitive Functioning and Psychic Functioning: a Research Proposal in Two Phases
Augmented cognition (AC) is a specialized area in human factors engineering that employs brain-computer interface (BCI) and human-computer interface (HCI) technologies to enhance human awareness and cognitive functioning. By translating subtle “non-conscious” information into conscious awareness emerging AC technologies will enhance human “intuition.” Phase I of this research proposal is directed at developing optimal AC technologies and protocols for enhancing normal human sensory functioning, “intuition,” and select cognitive capabilities aimed at improving adaptive responding in day-to-day situations. Phase I goals include using AC technologies to increase the acuity of “ordinary” sensory perception in humans, convert non-conscious perceptual data into conscious awareness, augment “ordinary” human senses with novel sensory capacities in order to enhance or modify ordinary states of awareness, and enhance the speed and accuracy of human intuitive decision-making in response to non-conscious or subtle information.
Starting from Phase I findings Phase II will characterize AC technologies and protocols that may be conducive of enhanced Psi capabilities in gifted humans or provide reliable methods for training Psi-naïve humans in various Psi capabilities including remote viewing, telepathy, precognition and PK. Phase II goals include developing AC technologies that reliably detect specific physiological or environmental signals (or complex patterns of 2 or more signals) that may correlate with a particular spontaneous or forced choice Psi capability, including AC technologies capable of changing data into a more accessible form (eg, visual, auditory or tactile cues); developing biofeedback technologies and protocols for training enhanced Psi performance (including both receptive and active tasks) using signal amplification (ie, of EEG, biophotonic spectra analysis, other neural or somatic activity measures) of “anomalous” perception or reward paradigm;** developing AC technologies aimed at optimizing signal “bit-rate” needed to achieve practical applications of select Psi capabilities including RV, telepathy and DMILS.
Starting from Phase I findings Phase II will characterize AC technologies and protocols that may be conducive of enhanced Psi capabilities in gifted humans or provide reliable methods for training Psi-naïve humans in various Psi capabilities including remote viewing, telepathy, precognition and PK. Phase II goals include developing AC technologies that reliably detect specific physiological or environmental signals (or complex patterns of 2 or more signals) that may correlate with a particular spontaneous or forced choice Psi capability, including AC technologies capable of changing data into a more accessible form (eg, visual, auditory or tactile cues); developing biofeedback technologies and protocols for training enhanced Psi performance (including both receptive and active tasks) using signal amplification (ie, of EEG, biophotonic spectra analysis, other neural or somatic activity measures) of “anomalous” perception or reward paradigm;** developing AC technologies aimed at optimizing signal “bit-rate” needed to achieve practical applications of select Psi capabilities including RV, telepathy and DMILS.
**Dylan D. Schmorrow, Ivy V. Estabrooke, Marc Grootjen, Editors (2009), Foundations of Augmented Cognition. Neuroergonomics and Operational Neuroscience, Proceedings, 5th International Conference, FAC 2009 Held as Part of HCI International 2009 San Diego, CA, USA, July 19-24, 2009; Springer 2011.
Tan, D, Nijholt A., Editors (2010) Brain-Computer Interfaces: Applying our Minds to Human-Computer Interactions, Springer 2010.
Berger, Chapin, Gerhardt, McFarland, Principe et al (2010) Brain-Computer Interfaces: An International Assessment of Research and Development Trends, Springer 2010.
Tan, D, Nijholt A., Editors (2010) Brain-Computer Interfaces: Applying our Minds to Human-Computer Interactions, Springer 2010.
Berger, Chapin, Gerhardt, McFarland, Principe et al (2010) Brain-Computer Interfaces: An International Assessment of Research and Development Trends, Springer 2010.
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