"You are who gets brought down Batman !" Jim Gordon yelled at the Bat Signal throwing a bottle of beer at it - and all it represented .

SNOWFLAKE watches DENNY PACE place his purchases on the counter and purposely buts in line past the other customers to overdo her performance
SNOWFLAKE (to cashier pointing randomly at items behind the CASHIER )
Give me a dozen healthy infants and I'll make them into anything
The CASHIER is put off and directs her to leave. Before doing so SNOWFLAKE makes direct eye contact with DENNY and snaps her fingers in his face.
SNOWFLAKE watches DENNY PACE place his purchases on the counter and purposely buts in line past the other customers to overdo her performance
SNOWFLAKE (to cashier pointing randomly at items behind the CASHIER )
Give me a dozen healthy infants and I'll make them into anything
The CASHIER is put off and directs her to leave. Before doing so SNOWFLAKE makes direct eye contact with DENNY and snaps her fingers in his face.
Batman -Snowflake
Mary Potter ,single woman without resources or connections to Gotham's elite becomes part of a bizarre franchise to create "humanistic" artificial intelligence algorithms that are to work as tester,judge and jury to cull social ills based on autonomous response via "brain map'.
Potter, after a suicide attempt meets Memphis Middleton at the Monarch Motel who schools her to work for the "underground"
Mary Potter ,single woman without resources or connections to Gotham's elite becomes part of a bizarre franchise to create "humanistic" artificial intelligence algorithms that are to work as tester,judge and jury to cull social ills based on autonomous response via "brain map'.
Potter, after a suicide attempt meets Memphis Middleton at the Monarch Motel who schools her to work for the "underground"
The TEAM goes over DENNY PACE's posts. BLOOM is 'in the dog house"
VALERIE - Phoned in is not the word. I suppose it is Evan's fault.
BLOOM - i underestimated him or over estimated him. But this sure as hell ain't my fault. I thought you said he was raised a certain way to go with this. Over bearing mother ..molested at whatever by one of our guys ...head dunked in a pool at five ..what's the deal..
VALERIE - he was Bloom..I assure you.
Jim Bloom added 2 new photos.
As their name suggests, psychophysical weapons attack the physiology of the human body with pulse and frequency meant to inhibiting or excite neural, vascular a...
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