Jim Bloom added 2 new photos.
interpret such data in narrative "gaming"/storytelling .Keystrokes determining basis of comparative game performance associated with output analysis .Respondant i.e -Tele -Presence (visual and aural data ) using narrative to determine the personal characteristic's of the player based on written story and presumably "other methods" (Brain Computer Interface) Each game of the plurality of games is designed to assess at least one personal characteristic and next interact with this data on many levels for sociological data .The personal characteristics may comprise abilities, skills, and/or interests and behaviors that the subject might wish to change with the help of Operating Tele-Presence (OT)
no one at all
Jim Bloom added 2 new photos.
Weirdo's story incites Kevin Rampart to disfigure 3 neuro scientists
Three neurobiologist were injured in what is already being called "the Hairspray"massacre.T...
See MoreThree neurobiologist were injured in what is already being called "the Hairspray"massacre.T...
I. Appearance to world of those in the troubled-person behavior role:
Low motivation to change
Lack of personal or professional success
Poor emotional stability...a
Continue ReadingaIrresponsible
Low motivation to change
Lack of personal or professional success
Poor emotional stability...a
Found JPEG series 'Hollywood KNights" 2 inches by 5 inches yellow marker scribbles on back $1200.00 (signed) Denny Pace ( b-September 12 1975 American Outside Artist)
below - a Poem by Denny Pace
"My DElusionS are Grander than Yours Junie Moon"
"My DElusionS are Grander than Yours Junie Moon"
The Making of "Been Wacked"
required a little stunt work on Leek's part
(3 to 4 dYs of neuroleptic) to cause his face to sell I a realistic
Tele-genic fashion...
See Morerequired a little stunt work on Leek's part
(3 to 4 dYs of neuroleptic) to cause his face to sell I a realistic
Tele-genic fashion...
( The Devil and Denny Pace)
Reggie Gaskill tore the drawings in half and shook his head ,saying to the artist ,"I guess you take after that dishtowel of a thing ...that wee mouse of a thing ..Lisa,Lyla ,Leena '
"My mother ,I assume your talking about my mother her name is Layla ,'Denny said trying not to get angry.
"Whispy is the word I think of when I think of poor Leena Pace ..strange I didn't see that in you right away ..now ,now I can see it clear...
Continue Reading( The Devil and Denny Pace)
Reggie Gaskill tore the drawings in half and shook his head ,saying to the artist ,"I guess you take after that dishtowel of a thing ...that wee mouse of a thing ..Lisa,Lyla ,Leena '
"My mother ,I assume your talking about my mother her name is Layla ,'Denny said trying not to get angry.
"Whispy is the word I think of when I think of poor Leena Pace ..strange I didn't see that in you right away ..now ,now I can see it clear...
Troubled Person , Troubled Individual (pejorative)
From Provopedia, the free 8th Floor encyclopedia
Adam Parker' photo titled Troubled Person, showing a Outsider Artist Denny Pace in at the "INstitutional Art Exhibit 2018.
From Provopedia, the free 8th Floor encyclopedia
Adam Parker' photo titled Troubled Person, showing a Outsider Artist Denny Pace in at the "INstitutional Art Exhibit 2018.
"Troubled Person or Troubled Individual" is a pejorative term used to refer to perceptions of odd,weirdo,sick behavior of so called "Ugly Americans" mainly as it refers to dilettante writers,artists and journalists with cynical,degenerate views.

Stocks to Watch GlaxoSmithKline
GSK (NYSE) 38.30USD0.01 (0.03%)Closed: Dec 20, 2016
Neural Tourniquet" Uses Electrical Signals To Staunch Bleeding...
See MoreGSK (NYSE) 38.30USD0.01 (0.03%)Closed: Dec 20, 2016
Neural Tourniquet" Uses Electrical Signals To Staunch Bleeding...
7 year old expelled from school for not taking Ketamine for Attachment Disorder, Mother sues school
"She's crazy," Mary Ellen.Hanson says about her own sister Beth Hanson in a live feed that a judge says can be used in court ,"Jason was impossible to be around without ketamine ,he used to kick a ball around the house and jump on furniture like a feral animal and Beth allowed it ,encouraged it even "
"She's crazy," Mary Ellen.Hanson says about her own sister Beth Hanson in a live feed that a judge says can be used in court ,"Jason was impossible to be around without ketamine ,he used to kick a ball around the house and jump on furniture like a feral animal and Beth allowed it ,encouraged it even "
hey Dumbo graphs Evan Rainy's version of a flying unicorn
a bit CGI for my tastes
it floats mid air ...and next Mind's Eye style where I tweak it
towards a 3 -d model pinata like thing
for EVAN to break ...
See Morea bit CGI for my tastes
it floats mid air ...and next Mind's Eye style where I tweak it
towards a 3 -d model pinata like thing
for EVAN to break ...
By Dahr Jamail,
Without public notification of any kind, the US Navy has secretly been conducting electromagnetic warfare testing and training on public roads ...
See More
Psycho-physical damage
Stage I.
* pressure, coolness of the skin
* feelings of non-specific fear and panic ] tremors,...
See MoreStage I.
* pressure, coolness of the skin
* feelings of non-specific fear and panic ] tremors,...
Naive Realism in the Hysterical Narcissist Wife
We explored the role of “naïve realism” in perceptions of attitudinal differences between male and female "cybernetic systems" in the United States. Participants were induced with Electromagnetic Augmentation of their emotional center ,limbic system and temporal cortex for 24 weeks. A comparison of self reported impressions based on neural readings yielded a similar pattern in the neural decoders' impressions such that Operating Tele -Presence (OT) felt more sympathetic to men more than women who had been swayed to cheat on their mate by way of Voice to Skull Technology and brain entrainment exercises upon their amygdala.
We explored the role of “naïve realism” in perceptions of attitudinal differences between male and female "cybernetic systems" in the United States. Participants were induced with Electromagnetic Augmentation of their emotional center ,limbic system and temporal cortex for 24 weeks. A comparison of self reported impressions based on neural readings yielded a similar pattern in the neural decoders' impressions such that Operating Tele -Presence (OT) felt more sympathetic to men more than women who had been swayed to cheat on their mate by way of Voice to Skull Technology and brain entrainment exercises upon their amygdala.
“When I have a conscious experience of a fire engine being bright red and six feet away from me, the experience itself is neither bright red nor six feet away from me. The experience itself is a state of my nervous system that represents the fire engine as being bright red and six feet away from me.”
Jim Bloom added 2 new photos.
Call for Registration: Mandlers of The Caribbean :Naïve Realism and Its Challenges
September 12 2013
Memfis,Ohio ,Civic Engineering and Ethical Responsibility M...
See MoreSeptember 12 2013
Memfis,Ohio ,Civic Engineering and Ethical Responsibility M...
Casualties of War
(Gorillaz in The Mist)
Semioticians classify signs in terms of how the mind processes association and the variable the signifier represents.The cue can be a word or phrase or graphic.Each culture has it's own set of cues and associations that are made both consciously and without.
(Gorillaz in The Mist)
Semioticians classify signs in terms of how the mind processes association and the variable the signifier represents.The cue can be a word or phrase or graphic.Each culture has it's own set of cues and associations that are made both consciously and without.
Operation Artist choke-Tiger Blood 2011
Calcium Ion Flux
Hypergraphia - Animal Kindling Models -Non Lethal Electromagnetic Weapons
,see Active Denial
disfigurement as social deterrent ,see MK Ultra 1955 compounds to alter physical appearance
Hypergraphia - Animal Kindling Models -Non Lethal Electromagnetic Weapons
,see Active Denial
disfigurement as social deterrent ,see MK Ultra 1955 compounds to alter physical appearance
RIVIC sits in the chair besides 16 y.o BLOOM a shoelace around BLOOM's neck that RIVIC pulls upon than releases.
RIVIC (...
See MoreRIVIC sits in the chair besides 16 y.o BLOOM a shoelace around BLOOM's neck that RIVIC pulls upon than releases.
RIVIC (...
The Pen is Only Mightier Than the Sword if One Sticks It in an Aggressor's Carotid Artery -
Mightier Than the Sword (D.C. Comix ) volume 3
Mister Bloom ,not satisfied with the speed of Jim Gorden's Civic Reforms steals "the seeds" from the Gotham Fede...
See MoreMister Bloom ,not satisfied with the speed of Jim Gorden's Civic Reforms steals "the seeds" from the Gotham Fede...
PART 4 'The Grad Student'
When practicing a Brain Computer Interface one must first carefully chose which brand of brain signal transcription equipment best suits their lifestyle as the bio sensing ,brain signal transcription software and provider you chose has been formatted to work only with one specific brand of bio sensor product . Because nanotechnology allows biosensors to bypass the blood brain barrier and therefore position itself between actually neurons the use of t...
Continue ReadingWhen practicing a Brain Computer Interface one must first carefully chose which brand of brain signal transcription equipment best suits their lifestyle as the bio sensing ,brain signal transcription software and provider you chose has been formatted to work only with one specific brand of bio sensor product . Because nanotechnology allows biosensors to bypass the blood brain barrier and therefore position itself between actually neurons the use of t...
When practicing a Brain Computer Interface one must first carefully chose which brand of brain signal transcription equipment best suits their lifestyle as the bio sensing ,brain signal transcription software and provider you chose has been formatted to work only with one specific brand of bio sensor product . Because nanotechnology allows biosensors to bypass the blood brain barrier and therefore position itself between actually neurons the use of the P300 wave is no lon...
Continue Reading
July 3 2018
Producer Valerie Prentis responsible for many of Parasol TV's biggest comedy hits ( Homo Hey ,Homo High!"and 'Confederate Jazz') will become board...
See MoreProducer Valerie Prentis responsible for many of Parasol TV's biggest comedy hits ( Homo Hey ,Homo High!"and 'Confederate Jazz') will become board...
"if life.were fair.
if "the playing field" that "is" life
was as level as the Foundation
...See More
The Blob -Scene 2
RACHEL,a pretty 17 year old girl wearing a headset attached to her temples is lying on her bed, stomach down ,...
See More
....having read The Book
Ev Rei stood in front of the mirror
with an eyeliner pencil
Ev Rei drew a Wildflower on the pantyhose tight masking he had begun wearing
In My Room -...
See MoreEv Rei stood in front of the mirror
with an eyeliner pencil
Ev Rei drew a Wildflower on the pantyhose tight masking he had begun wearing
In My Room -...
We "meet"RACHEL'S FATHER,a fit man in his early 40's still wearing his work clothes, a dress shirt from behind ...
See More
BLOOM stood in front of the mirror
his face grotesque from the direct energy testing
but still he could not look away
as the DEW als...
See MoreBLOOM stood in front of the mirror
his face grotesque from the direct energy testing
but still he could not look away
as the DEW als...
Dear Jim,
I had joined the Church of Scientology in 1977, and Sea Org from 1984-88 and was still in touch with my cronies at OSA..as I began putting the pieces together....How many active cults that you know are aloud to costume themselves "as cadets?"How many cults "under fire " essentially House the Entirety of " black ops"for the ***I can still remember How angry I was learning the Church was but a "front "set up to test various means of Mind Assuagement ..I must however h...
See MoreI had joined the Church of Scientology in 1977, and Sea Org from 1984-88 and was still in touch with my cronies at OSA..as I began putting the pieces together....How many active cults that you know are aloud to costume themselves "as cadets?"How many cults "under fire " essentially House the Entirety of " black ops"for the ***I can still remember How angry I was learning the Church was but a "front "set up to test various means of Mind Assuagement ..I must however h...
DAMIEN DARKE gets real ,real close to MISTER BLOOM looking all close at his face
DAMIEN is disappointed
DAMIEN ( to LAUREL ) He looks normal ,I thought his face was all fuked up.You told me he was some kind of cyborg or somethin'
had The Seeds in him...
See MoreDAMIEN DARKE gets real ,real close to MISTER BLOOM looking all close at his face
DAMIEN is disappointed
DAMIEN ( to LAUREL ) He looks normal ,I thought his face was all fuked up.You told me he was some kind of cyborg or somethin'
had The Seeds in him...
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