Wednesday, January 18, 2017

St Augustine (The Browning Version)

"it stops,and you have no idea what to do with yourself," David to Andy
Andy didn't know if David was talking about Proxy Pharma's Augustine HCL or -the other thing
"Both," David said ,as if reading Andy's mind
Andy began to say something but saw David make a gesture with his hand while brushing -? a piece of lint -from shoulder
and thus gesture stopped Any from speaking as-
Andy's mother had told him years ago his endless chatter reminded her of 'those cartoon characters who always have a thought bubble atop their head
and he was Charlie Brown with such a bubble .
Charlie -with an arrow in the bubble pointing right at him
"We don't talk about such things ...when we run low. We maintain " David said ,for -?no reason
Andy saw himself as Charlie Brown
Charlie Browns couldn"t maintain -and not for the first time did Andy wonder why David remained friends with him after all in The New Way it didn't take all kinds
yet Andy was only a Level One Neuronaut and there was according to Mindy a way to lose what she called -The Browning Version

Psychophysical Weapons

Joacir Cordeiro

Models of Hypergraphia : Animal Kindling with low - and high-frequency in rat hippocampus

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