Saturday, September 19, 2015

Parasol Pictures and The Office of Interior Intent

A  human test subject's  handler must be able to adjust induced "reason"that  the human  subject must keep quiet about the testing  often the subject does not want to live being "a science project" their every thought read and written upon. And here is where "story" introduced via interface because the human test subject must be told over and over that THEY are NOT just Guinea Pig but a unique and vital part of the project . Luckily the use  of microwaves upon certain parts of the subject's brain allow a rather large  degree of FADE OUT /FADE IN on a human subject 's sense of continuity in whatever "story" the subject's operator has placed upon them. As time passes inevitably the subject becomes more weary of his use  and thus layers of subtext must be added to the interface that should suppose upon the subject he or she has reached new levels  and thus be trusted and therefore interfaced something in the vein of - "Now we can begin REALLY explaining to you what we are doing"

Of course everything induced upon a subject must rely upon  the subject's own views and thus point of view . As very few of the subjects have been raised  in advance for ready made  plot point ease of access we must use cultural references (UFOs, Demons ,Paranormal Activity)  to keep the subject as displaced and far away from Psychotronic Weapons Testing as possible. But is this really the case?
Is it not even more terrifying to the subject that certain three letter agencies and optioned "orgs" are using them ONLY for experimentation.
Certainly the more they might write or speak about such matters helps cement their dis-credibility ALSO as these 3 letter agencies have at least a pop culture history of harming others even killing others with little or no accountability .Was this not one reason many of the MK Ultra documentation was released? .-1998 Dept of ***

(1955)-The Office of Interior Intent

 Gary Rainy -Nationality: American. Born: Memphis Ohio. Education: The University of  Memphis Ohio  Military Service: {removed } Career: Reporter, Memphis Ohio Times, . Awards:  Piddly  Poe award, for science fiction short stories 1952.

We must seek those out that The House of Un American Activities did not. As  any and all writers ,actors ,musicians and so called creative types ONLY wish to  "get inside the  head"of others and therefore "this kind " must  be persuaded they must shape their narratives toward "administrative security " based concerns
.It is best to secure such a writer ,film director ,playwright with close ties to family and children to instill in them that "something MIGHT happen " IF the writer /playwright ,singer, songwriter ,actor etc  does not do what a citizen with this"gift" of story  must do for his nation  and his world.

  •  An artist at heart is a histrionic narcissist that crave "good boy " feedback.
  •  Most persons with a gift for mind manipulation live their daily lives in a pathological delusional manner  or what has become fashionable to call "Day dreaming"
  • "real life " is NOT good enough for "this type".

 1956  Gary Rainy -Nationality: American. Born: Memphis Ohio. Education: The University of  Memphis Ohio  Military Service: {removed } Career: Reporter, Memphis Ohio Times, . Awards:  Piddly  Poe award, for science fiction short stories 1952.


 The point of view for instance of a 18 year old is quite different from a 40 year old. The point of view ,meaning the inner monologue of a 18 year old raised in the affluent  suburbs of Chicago will be very different from an 18 year old raised in the slums of Mexico City. With a Voice to Skull  /Frey Effect bone conductive "silent " hearing communication and by 1980 or at the latest  1990 an actual 2 way interface based not only on pupillary response to "world view " experience (people ,places ,things ) and also fictional people ,places and things they see and hear and also feel via TV and film etc. be it created by pretty non negotiable Life Style  needs a potential subject needs not only to fulfill their Hierarchy of Needs but almost if not more important the "keeping up with the Jones" of be it "a street gang if this "lifestyle" is part of the subject's milieu or a Country Club. Rather than trouble ourselves with the expense and effort it takes to stage manage a childhood and pre-bake a child's mind with cues introduced during ritualized traumatic "event planning" these same traumas and "truisms" can be introduced upon an entire culture with key books and films. Was not the story of Christ .The story of Heaven and Hell introduced as mass media to give the populace cues ,references and directives? Unfortunately through the decades much of these belief's have dwindled .The devil to many is the equivalent of "the Boogie Monster" .Is this evidence that "Man" now sees himself as "too intelligent" to believe in the mystic and divine except where he or she might find it in themselves through "Self Help" and psychiatry. Man wishes he was born without something inside them we call anxiety .A reactive mechanism left over in out brains from the days of "Look Out" when indeed the hunter often got captured by the game .What does man fear now? According to TV that their breath smells bad, that their lawn is not green enough.But he also fears he has lost not just his fear of a punishing God but a loving one. So we are not through completely with the theme of Christian Judeo meme concerning theme the inevitability of  Brain Computer Interface however on a day to day basis WHAT does man fear the most Aliens from above or moreso  things alien to him below. Here right now in the shadows.I suspect it would be easier to convince a dupe for Brain Research he has been tagged by a Secret Society which has been "optioned" discrete neurotechnological  tools .Will it be more difficult to convince a subject these societies now function as anything other than a clubhouse to drink too much swap war stories and smoke a few cigars IF New Myths based on True  Secret Societies are weaved carefully and cunningly into corporate ,civic and most of all mass culture. A good book that "somehow " rings "too true" is not a book written this year but years before. These are the years before and here are just some of the "hooks" that will be necessary to keep a human test subject used to develop Brain Machine Interface going beyond Angels and Demons .Beyond Aliens and Alternative Realities but to FEEL that the very world around them is contrived for Mind Control . 


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