Evan,my Mentor and RNM ward had explained to me, in the past that THEY needed to "app" a wide demographic with bio sensors for Brain Mapp and the testing directed weaponry and I whole heartedly agree. But am concerned that their "sweep" has not been wide enough and I suggest that the sons and daughters of NSA,DARPA and CIA officials should and must be included to make the study unbiased and more cohesive." Shall I pick some candidates from the demographic you seemed to ...have ignored?".I graph," After all, the number of "watchers ' is said to be about 400,000 and growing...shall I choose a random participant from this elite demographic to do THEIR part for the American way?..I would be glad to choose a son or daughter of the NSA or CIA to "do their civic duty" and made fodder in this extraordinary adventure,!"----- after all didn't the famous chemist, E.E. Slosson once write -
"A human life is nothing compared with a new fact in science....the aim of science is the advancement of human knowledge at any sacrifice of human life....We do not know of any higher use we can put a man to."
at least 80 Institutions, 44 Colleges , one hundred research facilities or private companies, 12 hospitals or clinics and 3 penal institutions participated.. The Agencies ,aware of the immorality and criminolgy of Human testing)sought PRESTIGE fronts to conduct often barbaric tests upon human beings
University of California at Berkeley
Sandoz, Swiss pharmaceutical firm
City College of New York
Boston Psychopathic Hospital (Dr. Robert Hyde)
Mt. Sinai Hospital NY (Dr. Harold Abramson)
Columbia University NY
University of Illinois Medical School (Carl Pfeiffer)
NIMH-sponsored Addiction Researh Center, Lexington KY
University of Rochester NY (Harold Hodge)
University of Oklahoma (Dr. Louis Jolyon-West)
Josia Macy, Jr. Foundation
Geschickter Fund for Medical Research, Washington DC
Missouri Institute of Psychiatry
Harvard University (Henry Beecher)
Massachusetts General Hospital
University of Maryland Medical School
Baylor University (Neil Burch)
New York State Psychiatric Institute (Paul Hoch and James Cattell) University of Washington (James Dille)
University of Wisconsin (Frank Olson)
University of Delaware
Veterans Administration Hospital, Palo Alto CA
Rockefeller Foundation
Allan Memorial Institute – McGill U., Montreal
National Institutes of Health, Washington DC
Society for the Investigation of Human Ecology
University of Nijmegen, Netherlands
Ionia State Hospital MI
University of London
"A human life is nothing compared with a new fact in science....the aim of science is the advancement of human knowledge at any sacrifice of human life....We do not know of any higher use we can put a man to."

University of California at Berkeley
Sandoz, Swiss pharmaceutical firm
City College of New York
Boston Psychopathic Hospital (Dr. Robert Hyde)
Mt. Sinai Hospital NY (Dr. Harold Abramson)
Columbia University NY
University of Illinois Medical School (Carl Pfeiffer)
NIMH-sponsored Addiction Researh Center, Lexington KY
University of Rochester NY (Harold Hodge)
University of Oklahoma (Dr. Louis Jolyon-West)
Josia Macy, Jr. Foundation
Geschickter Fund for Medical Research, Washington DC
Missouri Institute of Psychiatry
Harvard University (Henry Beecher)
Massachusetts General Hospital
University of Maryland Medical School
Baylor University (Neil Burch)
New York State Psychiatric Institute (Paul Hoch and James Cattell) University of Washington (James Dille)
University of Wisconsin (Frank Olson)
University of Delaware
Veterans Administration Hospital, Palo Alto CA
Rockefeller Foundation
Allan Memorial Institute – McGill U., Montreal
National Institutes of Health, Washington DC
Society for the Investigation of Human Ecology
University of Nijmegen, Netherlands
Ionia State Hospital MI
University of London
several Motion Picture Studio and Television/Radio Production Companies
University of Minnesota (Alden Sears)
University of Houston TX
California [Prison] Medical Facility, Vacaville
Emory University
Bordentown NJ Reformatory
The Church of Scientology
Holmesburg Prison.....
some experts agree that "Heavan's Gate", Jonestown,and 'The Family"(lead by Charles Manson ,who became a a member of a Science -ideoligical based Church/Front" in 1951(when )as well other fringe groups were "set up" to "pratice methods of Mind Assugement on "followers" with the agencies that helped "stage" and finance these "studies'/operations to this day claim that e "ends justifying the means" and "collateral damage".
University of Minnesota (Alden Sears)
University of Houston TX
California [Prison] Medical Facility, Vacaville
Emory University
Bordentown NJ Reformatory
The Church of Scientology
Holmesburg Prison.....
some experts agree that "Heavan's Gate", Jonestown,and 'The Family"(lead by Charles Manson ,who became a a member of a Science -ideoligical based Church/Front" in 1951(when )as well other fringe groups were "set up" to "pratice methods of Mind Assugement on "followers" with the agencies that helped "stage" and finance these "studies'/operations to this day claim that e "ends justifying the means" and "collateral damage".
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