so many
they should be lucky that i still got some sense of humour and am in a sense both crazy enuf and curious enuf to see where this goes where this ens..(perhaps with me in a dumpster somewhere,whatever)
and aside from the white slave human traffickin .kidnapping..lack of human rights ,human dignity and stuff..it's addictive as hell...)
what does one do?
when one has been apped.Domed
well according to my mentors one does nothing but be enthralled by it.
and bow down to people a hell of alot smarter than you who know a bit more about "how to be"
and "how to think" than one such as you dumbo ..
it is a scociological test..
brain mapping imeersive reality is your reward...thats how you get paid.
that should be enough
oh and it was before they start distorting your reality into a mini freak show when you do not comply "with the sociologicalness " of it...
they say they cannot work with a druggie..
and that's why they "pull the reighns" to save me...
forget the point they in the beginning they were all for "druggie" as it masked the zombie like look on my face...
when they showed me "The Way"
you see,,it's all about masking "The Tests..
for they get antsy..that any suspect that THEY can actually DO this MK ultra shit with nano and remote control..
maybe in 10 years whimever is president will apologize for this testing and give me 30 thousand bucks for my troubles.
you know the trouble of being a human marionette.
a monkey. a guinie pig.
for they really find me that dunb ya know
to think of this as some kinda treat.
(ah i must say sometimes it is but just as often ,a horror show) for they must see how it might work on the enemy and shit
but who plays the enemy...
and who much of the time feels one is in fact the real enemy they are trying to psych out with 5 senses over rides
so scuse me if i feel i kinda have the right to type about it no knee caps or whatever.
anyway ..nobody believes me..
nobody can hear you scream in cyberspace ...especially when the cyber space they have commandeered is between your ears
..they can do this you know..
much in the same way they can take your car or house
... it is in my best interest to flux back and forth and reassert my madness from time time ..
and reek of crack ,,and whatnot in the 10 block perameter of my house..
for this is all about being as indescrete as possible.
it gets confusing to me .me being Dumbo literally working with rocket scientists who are esentially learning how to make people "rockets'
tv sets.
ya know theyve been working on cybernetics since the end of ww2.
now .there are no laws. for something so unlawful as making a human being a drone
there are no laws because if people knew they were doing this to citizens or even enemies if you ask me
people would be up in arms
people would be crying for me and shit..
sending me teddy bears and flowers and stuff.
money even...
is that what happened in 94? is that why you did all those nasty things..and they locked you up?
yes yes..that is why..
and than they did it GAIN POOR LITTLE DUMBO..and lured you back to los angeles.
and set you up
this time with even stranger "apps"
and why you did all those nasty things...
awww.the truth does have a way of coming out
..i wondered dumbo why a man would spend a year writing this odd story directly online ..without caring about copywrite.
or people stealing such an odd disturbing story
teddy bears flowers little cakes i see coming in the mail.
a magfazine article of a man held captive ubducted ..and detained by a new technology that can augment one's mind and reality..
did you really attempt suicide to escape your psychotronic detainment.
of course.
wouldnt you?
but at the same time you enjoyed it.
yes a psychotronic stockholm syndrome develops.
one can even 'fall in love" with a "scripted"mentor..who can make you both see and hear and feel...
another's nervous system and soul
but that same love so easilt turns to hate...
imagine being on the other end of a immersive reality interface with a spurned(or seemingly spurned lover) who now suspects and reads your everythought now as
somehow pathological.
but dumbo you must have done some thing to create such a mess with this particular "mandler"
hey fuckhead you try a year and half direct neural interface with some over achiever who has to hide this ground breaking bullshit with an ego the size of mars and be simpatico.
than the company that initially
was involved with immersive remote neural monitoring goes a bit balmy money wise,,and has to bring in other firms and shit to keep it above water..
and next thing you know
you're like workin overtime
interfACING with all sorts of extraneous company man men (and women mind you) and by the end of that cycle one begins feeling like sybil dorset candy jones mash up with a great bit of CEO middle management milgram test up one's puppeted ass..so scuse me bossman if i feel the need sometimes to go a bit frankenstine manchurian on the street.DUDE!
cuz all through this ya see. is this real fundamental almost fundamentalist concern of why doesnt dumbo get a REAL JOB like the rest of us...
instead of actin like the world owes himsomething..after all who else has mentors and people to amuse him and torture him (the entertainment "USO" troupe of this bein john malkovich clusterfuck ,the psycho psych ops of hollywood...perhaps the most demented ,disturbing players in this claptrap by the way who make one practically wanna lick the feet and dendrites of the science-ideologist("neuronauts") who at least have a reason ...
my god these hollywood studio kunts are a brand all their own...number one they all have children..children who are now about my age.these kids hate them you see.they...take their money.but wont even show up thanks giving and shit..so they take it out on me ..start seeing me (and you must remeber they read and encode your mind to get the visuals and timing of introduction inception shit to work with virtual reality but it all becomes quite personal ...and they start picturing you as their coke head son gavin and shit...and you become this dog they kick around to teach you a lesson.
you become some unversal microcosm ...of this asshole ingrate who doesnt appreciate anything (they forget that you're a human guinie pig picked up on santa monica for this freak out when u were 25 ...they can care less youre 44 now...they just not only want IT the virtual reality to WORK but you ,who they despise like some hateful stepchild,intern that steals office equipment who talks behind the bosses back..or in my case has the nerve to THINK bad things about some brentwood cocksucker who wants me to work at a burger king or some thing to make a man out of myself instead of drawing those weird little paintings even his nephew could do..
"and how about trying to date women,many people who have your proclivities marry you know,if only to "naturalize " their lifestyle.
MY Lifestyle you big wig WOG!.my lifestyle is playing schizo.trying not to embalm myself with liquor while general foods asks me like i'm human telephone if a certain color red on a label doesnt seem satanic to me as my cerrbellum supposed charted a 5,8 hz deviance when I saw the packaging of some new breakfast bar...YO general foods guy that 5.8 hz by the way was a reaction to almost breaking my ankle in a whole foods cuz all the while you were mapping my indicators "happy Jack"
on occipital overlay grand poohbah is showing me "cool World"renditions in heightened reality
so fuck you all very much
if i not a happy urban astronaut .
still afraid of being buried in the god damn desert for "talkin bout it" in fact nothing sometimes sounds better than being buried in the desert
to get away from you all
when one sees and hears.and is now a drone .
a "manned" object.
a thing.
it's no big thing.
they say
they also said ..many things...
regarding the no big thing ..that had to do with little things like ..me being missing ..and mangled ...and "if we can't do it this way dumbo..we'll just "see how it works" you in a hospital bed...four point restraints..or hm maybe your knee caps so busted you wont need restraints...this way we can ...make sure you don't go all ...a funnty thing happened to me on the way to the bore them writing ,if one calls those disjointed entries in 3rd person ist person and what i see mainly as a disgracefull person with your
what some in the target individual community call one of the Sheeple...
when there are bits and bytes of nano particles in ones temporal lobbe.and one is a human monkey
"only here" to test what "we" cannot test on the usual suspects..monekys and lab rats and other small mammals..
after one has been hospitalizes reacting too intensely to various psychotronic rundowns..all the better also to mask "the New Way"
(they explain that those documents of my insanity are golden ...and were very difficult to establish and that these hard won documents..let me freely act like i do unchallenged..as one can always if confronted about "these bizarre jottings"one can always clain one is not "making waves" concerning either waves ,frequencies ,transmissions or off the grid brain mapping ,encoding and immersive reality trials by certain companies( oh let's just call it ,call it all in fact Dome,instead of *** ,*** and *** and more fortune 500 companies who have passed the buck and the testing through a maze of command(and demand,as everyone wants to be the first to truly learn "how it works" and what "else" it can be used for ..so far we have covered entertainment,medical,detainment,re-=education,displacement and just run of the mill absolute control of another..to the point that if one is not on guard one simply slips away or segues into "another " altogether which is perfect for things these fortune 500 companies want no part of ..human trafficking for a little thing called "sex" that i hear is all the rage in Paris or Nicholas or whoever certain distiguished men of a certain age "use" remotely to get the rocks off vicariously..as gaming if one is game (including gaming in terms of betting..not just sliding around a proxy as if he were a little shoe (fetish) or over heated iron on the monoloy board that is after all already owned by Dome
and were a gift to the program..
a neccesity
that i am i
n this and was previously agreeable to the new way
and for me to stop now to squander all our progress.
would be a crime.
it is a crime to co 0op people into white slaves.into human traffic for psychotronics and "wireless " virtual reality and AI and direct neural interface I graph..
but the graph is not loud or adamnet for i have begun pussing out according to evan..
be taking the usual route of RUINERS
and has sat for hours staring at razor blades or has tried learning how to make nosses out of ties.
but there are not rafters.not here.
and as i said to a friend if my apartment had rafters i dont think i'd want to kill myself
voices or not.seeing or not..
and i hear myself like THEY here me...and doubt my intentions pre neural or otherwise to leave this world ,and their world that they are building atop of one human experime nt at a time.
what doers one do to adjust to their needs..
for both resistanct and aquiescing to the chain ofr command of group thought
again the ususal suspects
medicines they use to treat people who see
who hear.
after all dear reader is that not what you think...that i am a schizophrenic?those who have read my "story":
not even a shadow of a duobt is there that what i say and write is true.
the pills dim my mind to such muck,,
the voices are less the interfaces weaker..
for who wants to communicate with the sludge of benzo diazapine detachment.
proff you say that what is happening is some chemical displacement in my mind?
that the entity is less.
the entity is simply further disappointed..
'that i am not strong enuf to "play" ..
that i have let fear of the New Way and drs and friends convince me ...seeing hearing two,mfour,eight different ways is wrong.is sick.
but this is better.
this dullness.
this nothing ..
this hearinfg my mentors further out as if in fog and sea.
.you were doing as well as you could..you were trying..
the game got too hard for you and you're running home to "this is a sickness" taking the ball.
taking the game
with me..
all this risk writing about what i perhaps should not have..
not writing about it as a psych problem which coveres their bases and mine...gone and goner each time i take a pill.
whatever work we have accomplished..
the audits the slow process of seeing .
a waste..
another one who gets afraid..who has had enough
their is nothing more personal than mind to mind interface with a group who must not thin k of you too distinctly as a person..
this is illegal and
to think of a subject not as "vermin" as equal..
is not how we can do this i think sometimes i sense from them
they would have enjoyed me thinking of them as mystical as extraterrestrial
but like a fool i began researching modern technologies and advances being made daily in mind augmentation
read the private studies being done in england on a demographic selsected without their knowing
for extensive testing with immersive (virtual reality ...through nano particle.
about AI testing in australia and the USA
about encoding private thoughts once thought unreadabel into full sentences..
the information decades old..
we are already here..
they are halready ready
and here.
"ther bugs put in they have said to eventually get the bugs out"
does one pop pills ..to foil the research the illegal testing and subsequence advances to something they may become for all of us ..a wonderful new way of seeing and feeling
a floating world on top of the prtesent one
or run off to benzo and harder drugs to say no this is too intrusive too weird..
too scary for me(again)
they will work yes with my "crazy" mind but not with my crazy mind on pills that indicate This is not happening.,i am against you..not just intellectually or because
"dumbo in the scheme of things we are the yellow pac man and you will always be the little yellow dots we eat....how could it be other wise"
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